I'm sitting here at 2.18 trying to think of lyrics or anything to write about. I need a 4th song, but I'm not sure of what it should be about. And the random commercials on TV aren't really helping that much either. I swear they have the most random and least wanted commercials on this late.. I mean honestly, who wants to watch 50 commercials for Extenze. Certainly NOT me. And there was something that was practically porn when I couldn't find the remote. These are the reasons I a] should not stay up late and b] shouldn't watch Spike this late.
Woo, Green Day commercial on AMC. Finally something not ridiculous.
Anyway, okay, maybe not moving off subject... late night movies are weird as hell. This guy is being tortured by electrocution over his ears and down under his chin. I watched the movie Swordfish one night though. Now that was a good movie. They are now talking about the different Muslims in this movie. Okay.. Arabs, my bad. But Sunnis and Shiites are the different types of Muslims. Now they are trying to fight Saddam and they are rounding up troops. Sometimes I wonder how I find these movies.
Here we go with 'viagra' now. -changes channel-
I'll be back later, I have some writing to do.
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