Sunday, June 07, 2009


So summer's finally here, it's started Wednesday evening for me. I finished a song, so now I've got three, bought 'RANT' by Chuck Palaniuk and found a drummer for my band. I leave for Italy in 13 days, and I haven't packed, thought of packing, or even gotten anything for my trip. I'm kinda scared. I don't know anyone on this one and they are all preppy creepy people that I'm going to hate. -sigh- I'll get over it, maybe.

Then after 18 days in the Mediterranean, I come home, get my driver's license, and then Aggie comes down. WOOO!!!!! I'm so excited. We have warped with Mahalia, Della and a few others, the Cab show and The Academy Is... show. Hopefully we can fit a few other things in. Then august rolls around and possibly Panic! and Blink 182 in Hershey, and the beach. Then I'm hoping that Mahalia and Kenna can come down and we can work on some our songs.

I want to redo my basement and put lights up in this drop down in the wall. Like colored lights in regular fixtures. And mirrors along one wall where we can have practice, but they'd be covered by like a drop down wall or something. Maybe they could like fold away into a corner.. that'd be sweet. Anyway, it's late and I should really be getting to bed, hair appointment tomorrow. Then more cleaning and shopping for trip stuff.



P.S. I'm hoping my band works out. Once Emma starts on the drums I think we'll make a myspace, or once we write music to our songs and get really serious about it.

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