Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rain, rain, and oh hey, more rain

So, I haven't written on here for a while, I think I say that every time, but I want to get back up to date...

First off, I have to take my Calculus final, which kinda sucks, but I think it might just be a sweet center to this whole final thing. I mean, I'm taking AP Statistics next year, so why not take the final to be able to remember stuff for it.. enough said.

There is less than 35 days of school left... I'm unbelievably happy.

Second, I went to Kansas City, Missouri and watched my brother play in Nationals. It was pretty sweet. He's really good, I'll admit, but I'm not an avid volleyball fan. I grew up with it my whole life and that's another story for another day.

On the way home from that trip, I finished the song that I've been working on since December when I first got the idea for it. It's probably going to be a slower song, at least in the beginning, but I'm excited. I'm hoping this band project does come through.

I also found an old song I half wrote that I'm going to finish. It's a really angsty one too. Started back in depression season of '07.

Up to date.. I think so.

Today we went to Washington DC and it rained like crazy. It was the worst day to go, and one of the worst field trips I've been on on the sole reason that it poured and we were forced to go out in the rain, the mud the everything else associated with rain. And we were about 45 mins late getting there. So we had about 3 hours in DC and then back home.

We spent more time on the freaking buses than in the city.

Anyway, moving on.. This coming weekend is The Rescue Presented by the Invisible Children. I'm going to the Harrisburg one with a friend. It's going to be a lot of fun and I hope we get the message across. It's kind of hard not to when we're right outside the capital building.

Even if you aren't going, it would still help to at least donate money to the cause here: The Rescue

The next weekend is Bamboozle... enough said about that. It's going to be great. I can't wait.

Bed is calling and sleep is overtaking me, so I'll wrap this up quick.

Now that I have my phone set up, hopefully I can add pictures and blog more often than now. It's storming here and I'm going to say goodnight.


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