Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Logic by day, Creative by night

I just spent the past 20 minutes looking at TWLOHA's myspace. I wanted to see Renee's video from being sober for 3 years. I finally found it and watched it. I really hope they are at bamboozle again this year.

I'm really hoping that I don't have any finals to take this year. This means that I have to get an A in all my classes so that I'm exempt from them. I'm pretty sure I'll be good with Latin. But I'm worried about Cultures and Calculus. It's just such a pain to have to take finals for three days. I'm not a great test taker. I like talking out my problems.

I was trying to write today and I realized how much I hate when stuff rhymes. Don't get me wrong, it works and sounds good, but when you are trying to write a really powerful and emotional piece, it sounds horrible. It makes it sound childish and it takes away the emotion of it. Everything I write has a bit of rhyme, but not rhyme schemes and stuff like that.
I wish I could go back to 6th grade and tell students that poetry really doesn't rhyme. Honestly, I just write and make it rhythmic and that's it. Sometimes, I don't write in stanza's and half the time they are nothing alike. I just write what sounds good and then sometimes go back and change stuff, but I always keep the first copy.

Anyway, it's 2am and I'm dead tired even with my nap today. So I'm going to sleep.



"And so it seems you disbelieve,
every word you've said to me,
But I'm not the one spewing
empty words and hollow promises."

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