Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just when you think it's over...

everything repeats. I feel like I'm an old record... and once the needle gets to the middle, it's placed right back on the outside again, forced to play over and over and over again.

Every year, I make friends and then during the winter I lose one of them, and this cycle repeats over and over. I think it's because I'm much more aware during the winter because I'm inside so much that I have to retreat into my mind. Beind equally left and right brained has it's perks.

I also have a love/hate relationship with my intuition. I took that quiz William Beckett took and I got and INFP and INTP because of my left/right brain thing. But I can tell who people are because I'm an observer and an analyzer. And yeah, most people are like, "Well I can tell who people are too," but that's not my point. I know before everyone else. It's like my sixth sense to not get hurt.

I thought this year would be different, but nope. Just took longer. I mean, it's one thing to hurt me, because as Lauren said, I'm able to take a lot of stuff, just because I'm used to it. I like close myself off so it doesn't hurt as much., but when it's someone else, that's when I get really pissed off. My friends are like my family, and I don't want them to get hurt, especially if it's by someone that hurt me before. I feel like I could have prevented it, but people never want to hear the bad news, not unless there's good news to go with it.

Almost 17. It's late and I'm thinking bed. Goodnight


"Long days always survive,
They linger with you in your mind,
Haunting you from your days past,
Becoming your version of silence."

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