So I was on the bus the other day, and this kid that sits behind me, Josh is his name, puts his hand on my head and messes up my hair. Then Andrei who sits across the aisle asked him why he did that and Josh says, "It was too perfect. Nothing is that perfect."
Ha, if he only knew. I'm nowhere close.
I used to sit further back, but my one friend broke her fibula[aka ankle] and is in a cast for a few more weeks so she's not on the bus. I sit up front now and talk to Andrei and Josh whenever he's on.
On the ride home today, there was this guy and it looked like he was talking to the basketball right next to him, but when the bus moved there was a guy behind the bush. But he was standing there, looking at the basket ball and waving his arms around in the air. We were all laughing since it looked so bizarre.
Today in set design, Mr. Shelly saw this girl and me walking down the aisle in the Performing Arts Center, known as the PAC, and he turned the lights he was teaching with earlier and tried to spot me. As soon as I saw him look up, I knew he was going to. He acts like such a kid sometimes, but he is a great teacher. I love his class. It's exactly what I want to do when I get older, if the band doesn't work out. Hopefully it will.
Okay.. now it's time for bed.
"Sweet dreams and subtlety,
someday will set us free"
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