Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Long days, Longer nights

The past week and a half has been interesting.

After my best friend went to philhaven, my mom told me that I seemed less on edge. Then she was discharged Saturday and then Sunday night, a week later, she texted the kid and asked if they were 'over'. He didn't even text her back.. he had his friend do it, the one that she hates and that hates her.

She came over that night.. yes, a Sunday night with school the next day, and I sat with her and she cried on my shoulder for about an hour. Then she wanted to go to philhaven and we started going but then found out that we'd have to wait till morning and that she can only be admitted from a hospital. So we drove back home and then went to bed.

My mom let us sleep in a little and took me in late to school. I said goodbye to her and my mom took her home before getting to work. I took my missed PSSA faster than most of the people there, which is ridiculous... I got there about.. 30 minutes till the end of the period and finished just after the period ended.. tops 35 minutes. There were people still testing and had been there since 7.45.

All of that happened in less than 24 hours... feels like longer. But anyway, she's safe and is doing better and that's all I could have asked for.

My mom made me drive the other day.. I asked to, and I think I did a pretty good job, I just have to practice more.

I haven't written poetry in a long time, but I did finish the beginning of the song I was working on. Now I just have to consult Mahalia and work on music for it.

I'm not going to bed.. I'm just going to work on some things..

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