Not only are the lyrics amazing, I can relate in some way to almost all of them but the music, the music is so... the only thing I can relate it to is african dance. They use a drum and when the beat changes so does the dance. And listening to TAI... it's almost the same thing. There are very subtle beat changes, or guitar chords or random noises. But if you listen, you can hear it. And if you pay that much attention, it's amazing. Because these changes correspond to changes in Beckett's voice, or the chorus to the verse. Or for a change in the way something is sung, or a change in the lyrics; for a held syllable or a line to end quickly.
Like in Skeptics and True Believers at the end where the line "Don't believe a word you've heard about me." changes to "Don't believe a word you've heard." and the music changes slightly because the line ends earlier. There's suddenly a double drum beat to signify the end of the line.
To me that's just awesome. I love the fact that they go so into their music to leave these little clues, almost as if anyone were to forget where they were, they're clued in by the subtle music clues.
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