Saturday, October 17, 2009

About a Guy...?

So Homecoming was tonight. :] So Much Fun!!!! I can't wait for prom now. That was crazy. We made a train and went the whole way across the gym and then got filmed and projected onto the big screen. :] It was great.

So lately I've been in this fog thing. Everyone keeps telling me different things, but, and i feel so cliche stupid saying this, they don't understand. I can't just do something, not after everything. I feel like I've got my one hand on the doorknob and I'm holding on as tight as I can, but everyone's pulling me in the opposite direction and I'm slowly slipping off. I've been so mad at 'things' lately and I can't stop because of what everyone is telling me. It's easier to get mad at an 'object' than at the person that told you something.

Like I just told Drew, I can't construct sentences about it, when I try, my mind goes dead. I hate this feeling. There's nothing I can do about it though, it's not in my hands, it never was.

Anyway. I wanted to write something on here, but I don't even know what that was anymore, so I'm going to go.

Goodnight, Sweet Dreams,


[I still love you, I can't stop myself]

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